Dr Alessandro Tagliabue

Alessandro Tagliabue is currently a Reader in Ocean Sciences at the University of Liverpool, where he as held a faculty post since late 2012.
He gained his PhD in Ocean Biogeochemistry from Stanford University (USA) in 2006, and conducted postdoctoral research in Paris and Cape Town prior to joining the University of Liverpool.
Alessandro is interested in the processes that shape ocean biogeochemical cycles and how environmental variability affects biological activity in the ocean. To achieve these goals, Alessandro uses a combination of biogeochemical modelling, data synthesis and fieldwork.
He is co-chair of the data management committee of the GEOTRACES programme, is a Lead Author on the current IPCC special report on the Changing Oceans and Cryosphere, co-chairs a SCOR working group on iron modelling and is a Challenger Fellow.

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Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition

Please see a news item from the Royal Society below.

The Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition is now open for entries. Submit your photograph by 23 August 2024 in our categories of; Astronomy, Behaviour, Earth Science and Climatology, Ecology and Environmental Science, and Microimaging.

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