Ocean Challenge - Article Search Function

The Ocean Challenge Article Search allows a structured search of articles in all published editions of the Challenger Society publication.

  1. Select Type of Article (or leave as "All")
  2. Select type of Keyword Search (AND /OR). This will determine how Keywords are applied to the search.
  3. Add Keywords and/or Author names (optional).
  4. Click the link to add General Subject Areas or Topics (optional).
  5. Once search terms and requirements are complete press the "search" control at the bottom of the page and the results will be displayed.
Use the + control to expand the search results and display a download link to the search result result.

Type of article:
Keyword Search
Click to view and select subjects and topics Hide subjects and topics

General subject area:

 01 Biodiversity
 02 Carbon cycle/nitrogen and phosphorus cycles
 03 Climate/global warming/sea-level rise
 04 Conservation/management/MPAs/sustainability
 05 Ecosystems/ecology/food webs
 06 Fish/fishing/aquaculture
 07 History (including 20th century)
 08 Marine chemistry/biochemistry/biogeochemistry
 09 Marine biology
 10 Geology/geophysics/tectonics/hydrothermal vents/seeps
 11 Marine science and art/media/culture
 12 North Sea and other waters off British Isles/Europe
 13 Ocean acidification
 14 Physical oceanography/ocean circulation/dynamics
 15 Policy/management/socio-economic issues
 16 Pollution/sea-bed disturbance/harmful algal blooms/alien species
 17 Renewable energy (all kinds)
 18 Marine Social Science


 01 - Air–sea interaction/weather
 02 - Archaeology/shipwrecks
 03 - Arctic/Antarctic/high latitude/ice
 04 - Bacteria/viruses
 05 - Bottom dwellers/benthic organisms/seaweed
 06 - Challenger Expedition/Reports
 07 - Coasts/shoreline/saltmarshes/beaches
 08 - Commercial aspects/marine engineering
 09 - Communication/knowledge exchange/education
 10 - Continental shelf/margin/sea lochs/fjords
 11 - Corals (tropical and cold-water)
 12 - Deep ocean/sea-bed
 13 - El Niño (and other climate cycles)
 14 - Estuaries/salt marshes/coastal sediments/deltas
 15 - Genetics/evolution/taxonomy
 16 - Instrumentation/technology/research tools
 17 - Isotopes/radionuclides
 18 - Exploratory voyages/early hydrography/naval oceanography
 19 - Marine mammals (whales, seals, manatees etc.)
 20 - Seabirds/marine predators
 21 - Institutions/research vessels/infrastructure
 22 - Modelling
 23 - Oceanographic programmes (BOFS, AMT etc.)
 24 - Oceanographic collections/time-series/databases (incl. on maps)
 25 - Palaeoceanography/marine fossils
 26 - Plankton/krill/jellyfish
 27 - Policy/management/socio-economic issues
 28 - Satellite images/remote sensing
 29 - Sea-floor mapping/sea-bed topography
 30 - Sea-floor sediments
 31 - Sound/light in the ocean/ sound pollution
 32 - Tides/waves/tsunamis
 33 - Tropical/equatorial waters
 34 - Law of the Sea/UNCLOS

Latest News

Potential Availability of NERC Ship Time During the 25/26 Programme Year

The NERC Marine Facilities Programme for 2025/2026 for the RRS Discovery and the RRS James Cook has been published on the Marine Facilities Planning website.

The RRS Discovery programme currently contains a 79 day alongside slot between the 2nd of November 2025 and the 19th of January 2026, which is available for science delivery if funded science projects can make use of this time. Due to the location of the vessel, the ship is most likely to be able to deliver fieldwork in the North and East Atlantic regions. Some support for science capability within the National Marine Equipment Pool is potentially available, although there is no capacity for use of autonomous vehicles or remotely operated vehicles. Any fieldwork within Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) will need the appropriate diplomatic clearance submitted to coastal states at least 6 months in advance, and to NMF with sufficient lead time for processing via the FCDO.

If interested in making use of this ship time, please contact NERC Marine Planning (marineplanning@nerc.ukri.org) ASAP to start discussions.

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The Marine Facilities Advisory Board advises the National Oceanography Centre on marine facilities and services, including the Natural Environment Research Council’s National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.

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NOC Association AGM 2025

NOC Association (NOCA) AGM 2025

The 14th AGM of the NOC Association will be held on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th May 2025. This free, on-line event will take place on Zoom, across two consecutive mornings, each starting at 10:00 and ending at 12:30. Although discussion topics are being finalised, we will focus on national capability (NC) science, ships, and autonomous vehicles, and how the community can engage. There will be an update on AtlantiS and on the new marine science scoping group. All are warmly welcome to join. To participate, please complete your registration here. For enquiries: Jackie Pearson, Secretary to NOCA: jfpea@noc.ac.uk

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