The Chris Daniels Early Career Grant


The Chris Daniels Early Career Grant aims to provide an opportunity for motivated early career researchers (ECR) to create or establish a forum to discuss specific challenges and resources relevant to ECRs in the field of marine science. The award will fund to up to £1000 to the successful applicant to organise a stand-alone early career workshop or to attach an event to an already existing conference. The funding can go towards covering the costs of the space and/or catering services and/or travel support. It is expected that the successful applicant will advertise the Challenger Society at the event, and provide a report of the event to be published and publicized on the Challenger Society blog and social media within 3 months of the event. This opportunity is open to Challenger Society members inside and outside the UK. This award is dedicated to the memory of Dr Chris Daniels, a marine biogeochemist and advocate of early career researchers.

Application and Eligibility

Applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. The maximum amount funded will be £1000 per call. This amount must be allocated to the meeting’s expenses. It cannot be used to cover salary costs. Travel costs may be covered.
  2. The applicant must be an early career researcher who is involved in the organisation of the event. The Challenger Society defines early career researchers as those who are:
    · within eight years of their highest degree (BSc, MSc, PhD award), or equivalent professional training
    · within six years of their first academic appointment (the first full or part-time paid employment contract that lists research or teaching as the primary function).

    These periods exclude any career break, for example:
    · family care
    · health reasons
    · reasons related to COVID-19 such as homeschooling or increased teaching load.
  3. The applicant and target audience for the event must be in the field of marine science. There must be a clear statement in the application of the benefit that the event provides to early career researchers.
  4. The applicant must agree to advertise the Challenger Society (logo display/banner and flyers will be provided by the society) at the event.
  5. The applicant must provide a report of the event at its completion, to be published by the Challenger Society blog within 2 months of the event.
  6. The Challenger Society is working towards being a fully equitable and inclusive organisation (see EDI statement here). The Society encourages applicants from underrepresented and/or diverse backgrounds to apply.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Application Procedure

Applicants will be required to submit:
Please submit your application to Prof Kate Hendry
An example of a successful application can be found here

 Timeline for Application
  • Deadline for applications: 1st April 2024 
  • Public recognition to awardee: Challenger Society Conference 2024, Oban

About Dr Chris Daniels

Chris Daniels was an extremely passionate marine scientist, who was well known and respected in the scientific community. Chris had outstanding publication record for an ECR, and in his short career he worked as part of several large projects and participated in multiple research cruises. Chris consistently advocated for ECRs through his contributions to the Challenger Society. He was involved in setting up the first ‘Diversity in Marine Science’ event at a Challenger meeting that aimed to tackle some of the issues around early career and diversity in marine science. He was a very active member of the Challenger Society, attending every biennial and relevant special interest meeting that occurred during his career. His main academic passion and scientific legacy was studying coccolithophores and calcite production, particularly Coccolithus pelagicus, a species of which he was very fond of! After his PhD Chris worked at the British Oceanographic Data Centre on the GEOTRACES program whilst he sought post-doctoral opportunities. Early in this post he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and sadly passed away in November 2018 aged just 31. This award is dedicated to the memory of an incredible scientist and dedicated ECR, whose career never reached full potential but his legacy shall live on through this award.

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