Challenger Society for Marine Science Student Award

The Marine Science Student Award has replaced the former Tripartite Award and was first awarded in 2019. The purpose of the Award is to raise the status of Marine Science education in the UK, as well as to encourage research among undergraduates in any marine science discipline. The Society offers an annual award for undergraduate students who have demonstrated excellence in Marine Science research through final year undergraduate dissertations or projects. University departments in the UK are invited to submit suitable dissertations from final year undergraduate students, with deadlines set usually for the end of July.

Students can only be entered by the Convenor of the final year dissertation module from universities located within the UK. Only one submission will be accepted from each department and it should be of outstanding quality. Prizes are awarded after consideration by a panel drawn from the Challenger Society's Council.

Judging Criteria

Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
          i)         Overall excellence in the project.
          ii)        Originality or uniqueness of the project.
          iii)       Relevance to marine science.
          iv)       Standard of presentation. 

The winning student will receive a cheque for £500. In exceptional circumstances, the Award may be shared. All winning students will receive one year's complimentary membership of the Society.

The deadline for submissions for this year is 31st July 2024. The submission should be in the form of an email submission of a nominating letter from the Convenor accompanied by a digital copy of the student's dissertation report.

Documents should be submitted to using "Challenger Society Student Award" in the email subject line.

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