Special Interest Groups

Deep-Sea Ecosystems

The Deep-Sea Ecosystems SIG aims to bring together UK researchers working on deep-sea ecosystems to facilitate coordination of research efforts.

Ocean Wind Waves

A Special Interest Group for Marine Science focused on observing, modelling and forecasting ocean surface waves.


Coastal and Shelf Seas

This group provides a focal point for the UK community to discuss and plan future multidisciplinary research into coastal ocean and shelf sea process.

Sea Level SIG

The Sea Level SIG provides access to sea level data, pre-prints of recent research papers, discussions and more

 Sea Ice SIG

Encompassing the UK sea-ice research community covering aspects of in situ and remote observation, modelling and climatology.


Advances in Marine Biogeochemistry

All aspects of marine biogeochemistry


Ocean Modelling Group

The modelling of the oceans at a range of scales


Marine Science and Policy SIG

Marine Science and Policy

Marine Science Data Management


The Marine Science Data Management group will provide a forum to discuss data management challenges faced by a range of marine science institutions and aims to promote data management best practices from collection through to archival, delivery and reuse.



Latest News

Nominations open for the 2024 Challenger Society Marine Science Student Award!

Nominations are now open for the Challenger Society Marine Science Student Award - deadline 31st July!  

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2024 Challenger Medallist and Fellows

We are delighted to announce the 2024 recipients of the Challenger Medal and the Challenger Fellowships. These biennial awards will be presented to awardees at the Challenger Conference in September.

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Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition

Please see a news item from the Royal Society below.

The Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition is now open for entries. Submit your photograph by 23 August 2024 in our categories of; Astronomy, Behaviour, Earth Science and Climatology, Ecology and Environmental Science, and Microimaging.

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