United Kingdom SCOR committee – terms of reference (TOR)
TOR1: The UK SCOR committee has the following remit:
1.    To represent the UK at SCOR meetings
2.    To assess and provide feedback on SCOR working group applications
3.    To apply for funds to pay the SCOR annual subscription
4.    To communicate and publicise SCOR activity to the UK community
5.    To encourage and support engagement of UK scientists with SCOR activity
6.    To promote equity, diversity and inclusion via its membership and activities

TOR2: The exact number of members of the UK SCOR committee is not fixed, but it must contain at least: one chair, one co-chair and two early career members (based on the Challenger Society definition: https://www.challenger-society.org.uk/ecr_definition).

TOR3: The responsibilities of the chair are to (i) manage the assessment of the SCOR working group applications, (ii) represent the UK at the annual SCOR meeting (and others that may require UK involvement on an ad-hoc basis), (iii) sit on the Royal Society Global Environment Research Committee, (iv) represent SCOR on Challenger Council and (v) apply for the 49% contribution towards the SCOR annual subscription from the Royal Society each year. If the chair is unavailable, then the co-chair or a deputy will be nominated to represent UK SCOR at meetings.

TOR4: The responsibilities of members are to support the chair in ensuring the committee delivers on the remit outlined in TOR1 and TOR3, as well as deputising for the chair if required.

TOR5: The UK SCOR committee will rotate and new members will be approved by the Challenger Council, with input and advice provided by the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility sub-committee. Initial terms will be for up to 3 years. Terms can be renewed for one year or three years for early career members. Chairs are recruited from current committee members and serve a three year term.

 Agreed by UK SCOR committee meeting (4th of July 2022)

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