Guidance for Authors
Guidance for Authors wishing to contribute to Ocean Challenge
Ocean Challenge is the journal of the UK Challenger Society for Marine Science, whose members include marine scientists from all disciplines – from marine geologists to modellers, and from biogeochemists to benthic biologists. It may also be read by policy makers, teachers, engineers, those in industry, and other interested ‘scientifically literate’ laypersons. For this reason, contributions for Ocean Challenge must be written so as to be accessible to as wide a readership as possible, with specialist jargon either avoided or explained. Articles will be reviewed for content, interest and contribution to debate on marine science and policy. Please see below for guidance about length, illustrations etc.
Ocean Challenge aims to spread information about, and improve understanding of, all aspects of marine science and technology. Because Ocean Challenge aims to communicate with as wide a readership as possible, the Editors are happy to work with authors to ensure that articles are as clear as possible.
We particularly welcome articles with a European dimension, for example articles addressing Europe-wide problems, or articles about specific regional issues that have implications for European waters generally. We are particularly keen to include articles reporting research undertaken through international co-operation, and encourage international co-authorship.
Submitting your contribution
Contributions may be sent as electronic files or as typescript. If you are sending electronic files, please employ as little formatting as possible. Do not try to match the appearance of the printed journal – we use a desk-top publishing system that will style the text as necessary. For short contributions, text may be sent as part of an email message.
Illustrations should be sent as individual files, and not embedded in the text.
Scans of photographs should be of as high a resolution as possible. Photos that look good ‘on screen’ will not necessarily look good when printed.
Copy may be sent to the editor, Angela Colling, electronically at:
Postal address
Aurora Lodge,
The Level,
Guidance for contributors to Ocean Challenge
The aim of Ocean Challenge is to communicate.
- We assume that all readers are interested in the science of the ocean.
- We cannot assume that they are experts in all disciplines of marine science.
There are broadly four types of contributions:
Short news items
Ocean Challenge is always pleased to receive news of events, projects and initiatives relating to marine science. ‘Letters to the Editor‘ are also very welcome, either on a topic covered in a previous issue of Ocean Challenge, or on any subject of interest to Ocean Challenge readers.
- Long news items 500–2000 words, preferrably with illustration(s).
- Meeting reports 500–2000 words, preferrably with illustration(s).
- Feature articles 3000–5000 words, generally 3–6 figures.
- Book reviews 750–1000 words (see also below).
Feature articles
These have the following format:
A fairly short introduction.
This is not an abstract as such – its role is to engage the reader’s attention, and convey what the article is about. In the case of articles for the Special European Issue, which is intended to be sent to policy makers, politicians and administrators (as well as the usual readership), this is where any messages should be highlighted; alternatively, it should be made clear that useful points will be explained the article itself.
The aim of the European issue is to inform and so influence general policy relating to marine science, and articles have more power when they refer to the specific rather than the abstract or the general. The text should be well structured to enable the reader to follow the argument, but please avoid using lists of abstract ‘bullet points‘. These do not convey much to someone who is not already aware of the points being made.
Figures have a formal caption and a margin caption. Authors are encouraged to provide margin captions, but these are often added at a later stage, depending on the layout.
Ocean Challenge does not have references
Articles may have a Further Reading list at the end. If possible, the Further Reading list should refer to publications that are easily obtainable, and are not too obscure or specialist; they should be useful for someone whose interest has been stimulated by the article and would like to know more.
Authors should always bear in mind the Ocean Challenge readership.
We aim to be a version of New Scientist for Marine Science.
Latest News
Townhall on UK Arctic Ocean contribution to International Polar Year 32/33
The Arctic is one of the most rapidly-changing regions on our planet, with impacts on global sea-level rise, changes to our climate and weather patterns, and threats to our shared biodiversity and ecosystem services. With the international community rapidly mobilising towards the International Polar Year 32/33, and with new international programmes and initiatives now being shaped, it is timely for the UK Ocean Science community to come together and articulate what its unique offerings could be to Arctic research and technology.
This hybrid 2-day meeting, to be held at NOC Southampton, is intended to start this process. Recognising the Arctic Oceans role in global Earth and Human systems, anticipated outcomes include a high-level shaping of what the UK Arctic Ocean community would like to achieve over the course of the IPY, stimulation of new collaborations and proposals for grand Arctic challenges and a baseline from which wider integration with terrestrial, atmospheric and cryosphere communities, both in the UK and overseas, can be built. Discussions will continue in diverse forums, including the UK Arctic Science Meeting in September and at Challenger 2026.
This action is supported by the UK Arctic Office and UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership
Further details and meeting registration link will be circulated in April together with a questionnaire to help shape the agenda and discussion
In the meantime…SAVE THE DATE
Potential Availability of NERC Ship Time During the 25/26 Programme Year
The NERC Marine Facilities Programme for 2025/2026 for the RRS Discovery and the RRS James Cook has been published on the Marine Facilities Planning website.
The RRS Discovery programme currently contains a 79 day alongside slot between the 2nd of November 2025 and the 19th of January 2026, which is available for science delivery if funded science projects can make use of this time. Due to the location of the vessel, the ship is most likely to be able to deliver fieldwork in the North and East Atlantic regions. Some support for science capability within the National Marine Equipment Pool is potentially available, although there is no capacity for use of autonomous vehicles or remotely operated vehicles. Any fieldwork within Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) will need the appropriate diplomatic clearance submitted to coastal states at least 6 months in advance, and to NMF with sufficient lead time for processing via the FCDO.
If interested in making use of this ship time, please contact NERC Marine Planning ( ASAP to start discussions.
The Marine Facilities Advisory Board advises the National Oceanography Centre on marine facilities and services, including the Natural Environment Research Council’s National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.