AMBIO provides a technical forum for students, educators, researchers and governmental and industrial partners with shared interests in marine biogeochemistry. Our mission is to:

  • Communicate and facilitate the proposal of strategic research, infrastructure development and collaboration;
  • Connect Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with the UK-marine biogeochemical network;
  • Enable access to mentoring across institutions for early- and mid-career marine biogeochemists;
  • Disseminate recent advances in marine biogeochemistry through the biennial AMBIO science meetings;
  • Promote ECRs and celebrate important contributors to marine biogeochemistry through awards, recognition and social engagements at AMBIO meetings;
  •  Engage other Special Interest Groups for the benefit of cross-disciplinary research.

How can you get involved in the SIG?
Please follow this link to join our mailing list: 
Follow us on Twitter: @ChallengerAMBIO

Next AMBIO SIG Meeting

The 2023 AMBIO conference will be held from September 6th – 8th 2023 at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth PL1 3DH. 

We will hold the conference from lunchtime-to-lunchtime, to assist with travel logistics. We will have a few sessions with talks in addition to a poster session and networking, with an exciting AMBIO dinner as an optional extra. 

Registration is via the following link: 
Here you will also find links to the abstract submission and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity form for the Challenger Society. 

A reminder of the sessions as follows:
- Biogeochemistry and Marine Autonomy
- The Cutting Edge of Biogeochemical Observations and Modelling
- The Future of GEOTRACES
- Marine Biogeochemistry at the Sediment-Water Interface

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us (details below). 
Kate and Sarah

Previous Activity

Townhall Meeting and ECR Networking Event at the Challenger150 Meeting, September 5th 2022, Natural History Museum London.

Biogeochemistry Across Boundaries - a celebration of Professor Tim Jickells
AMBIO IX 24th-27th June 2019, UEA
About AMBIO IX: On the occasion of AMBIO’s ninth biennial meeting, we are delighted to celebrate the immense contributions of Professor Tim Jickells. Tim’s career has touched the full breadth of marine biogeochemistry, where he has personally pioneered transformative research and championed support for many of us in diverse roles of marine biogeochemical research, teaching and governance at local, national and international scales.
With support from the Challenger Society, University of East Anglia, Planet Ocean Ltd and Cefas, we look forward to hosting a 3-day conference in Norwich, with a celebratory dinner to be held on Wednesday June 26th. A outline programme is available here.

Professor Robert Duce, Texas A&M University
Assnt. Professor Laura Bristow, University of Southern Denmark
Professor Richard Sanders, National Oceanography Centre
Dr Sian Henely, University of Edinburgh
Professor Tim Jickells, University of East Anglia
Minutes of AMBIO Town Hall Meeting, 2018
AMBIO held a half-day Town Hall event after the 2018 Challenger Society Conference in Newcastle. Minutes from this meeting are available here, and include our latest SIG developments, present national capability and strategic funding opportunities, plans for AMBIO IX and identified actions for our members. Thanks to all who supported this event and to those who did so remotely but could not attend on the day. 

Links to past meetings 

AMBIO VIII - The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), September 6th-8th, 2017. You can read a summary of this event on the Challenger blog page

AMBIO VII - University of Oxford, January 6th-8th, 2016. You can read a summary of this event here.
Minutes of AMBIO Town Hall Meeting, 2018
AMBIO held a half-day Town Hall event after the 2018 Challenger Society Conference in Newcastle. Minutes from this meeting are available here, and include our latest SIG developments, present national capability and strategic funding opportunities, plans for AMBIO IX and identified actions for our members. Thanks to all who supported this event and to those who did so remotely but could not attend on the day.

Latest News

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Please see a news item from the Royal Society below.

The Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition is now open for entries. Submit your photograph by 23 August 2024 in our categories of; Astronomy, Behaviour, Earth Science and Climatology, Ecology and Environmental Science, and Microimaging.

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