International Research Group on Wood Protection’s 54th (IRG54) Annual Conference
Lucy Martin
University of Portsmouth

In June 2023, I attended the International Research Group on Wood Protection’s 54th (IRG54) Annual conference in Cairns, Australia. It was an incredible opportunity not only to network with new colleagues and meet old friends, but also to visit tropical Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef. This was made possible through the travel grant received from the Challenger Society, along with other society grants.
The research group is a society of international experts on all aspects of wood protection, from fire retardancy to durability in marine environments. Wood has been one of the best materials for use in marine applications for millennia, being used for transport (such as boats and canoes), moorings (piers and wharves etc) and sea defences (groynes, sea walls..). One of the major drawbacks to using wood, however, is that it is vulnerable to marine wood-boring organisms; bivalves, shipworm and isopods, Limnoria, which weaken or even destroy structures completely. In response traditional preservatives, including tar, oils, creosote and then broad-spectrum biocides like chromated copper arsenate (CCA), have been used to elongate the service life of timber. However, in the UK and EU, 20-year-old legislations now severely restrict these methods and instead species of wood naturally resistant to borers or novel wood preservation techniques are desired.
At IRG54, I presented my PhD research on using a non-biocidal chemical modification, called furfurylation, to protect wood against biodegradation by marine borers. My presentation - titled “Assessing changes in hardness of wood on a nanoscale to mimic levels experienced by the marine wood-boring crustacean, Limnoria” was the first talk of the conference in the main scientific session, representing the Biology section and working party 1.5 “Marine”. I also was asked to convene the presentations in the marine session which was included alongside talks on natural durability and termite resistance. Later, I gave a 3-minute poster pitch and presented my poster “Reducing successful shipworm larval settlement on wood that has been modified using furfurylation” which won the Rick Ziobro Award along with a prize of A$1000.
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Potential Availability of NERC Ship Time During the 25/26 Programme Year
The NERC Marine Facilities Programme for 2025/2026 for the RRS Discovery and the RRS James Cook has been published on the Marine Facilities Planning website.
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If interested in making use of this ship time, please contact NERC Marine Planning ( ASAP to start discussions.
The Marine Facilities Advisory Board advises the National Oceanography Centre on marine facilities and services, including the Natural Environment Research Council’s National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.
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NOC Association (NOCA) AGM 2025
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