Challenger News
National Marine Equipment Pool: Autumn 2023 call (Round 4) for applications
Members of the UK marine science community are invited to submit applications for items of equipment to be considered for addition to the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP). Full details of the application process are available on the Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) website and questions to Jackie Pearson, MFAB Secretary, are welcome. The closing date for applications is Friday 15 December 2023.
Read MoreUpscaling Autonomy Working Group report published
A recommendation of the landmark Net Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) report was that "NERC should expect to double the size of the autonomous fleet it supports every five years." In response, the NOCA and the Challenger Society for Marine Science formed the joint Upscaling Autonomy Working Group (UAWG). The UAWG ran a series of information webinars, followed by a consultation, on the future shape of upscaling of marine autonomy in the UK. With thanks to NOCA Chair, Professor Mark Inall and members of the UAWG, the report from the consultation has now been published and is available on this NOC Association page.
Read MoreInclusive leadership for public engagement with research
A training and development programme for researchers working in fields aligned with the NERC portfolio.
Are you a passionate Environmental Science researcher eager to make a real impact with your work? Are you considering how to embed diversity, equity and inclusion in your research and public engagement? Do you want to enhance your leadership skills and engage with the public effectively? Are you responsible for supporting others with public engagement? Would you like to be a more effective leader of public engagement with research?
Philosophical Transactions A: Atlantic overturning: new observations and challenges
Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions A: Atlantic overturning: new observations and challenges organised and edited by M A Srokosz, N P Holliday and H L Bryden FRS and the articles are available at
A print version is also available at the special price of £40.00 per issue from
Marine Data Management Training
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) and OceanWise are delighted to invite you to attend our popular free online training workshop: Marine Data Management, Governance and the MEDIN toolset.
This training course is suitable for anyone responsible for collecting or managing marine environmental data – Including researchers, technicians, undergraduates, post-graduates. Prior knowledge or practical experience of data management is not required.
CLASS Modelling Workshop 2024
The CLASS Programme is hosting a Modelling Workshop in early 2024. This is aimed at UK participants only. Event details and criteria to sign up are available here.
Read MoreOcean and Coastal Futures - Bursary
As part of our commitment to encouraging and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion, Ocean and Coastal Futures is launching its first Coastal Futures Bursary in partnership with Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. This opportunity is open for young people aged 18 to 30 years old, who are currently underrepresented in the marine and coastal sector and face financial barriers to attending. Individuals do not have to be working or studying in the sector currently but must reside in the UK.
Read MoreThe oceans, the blue economy and implications for climate change event
The oceans, the blue economy and implications for climate change
Date: 29 November 2023, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Speaker: Rupert Howes, Joanna Post, Dr John Siddorn, Dr Siva Thambisetty, Professor Elizabeth Robinson, Dr Darian McBain
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, Cheng Kin Ku Building, LSE Campus and online
Many conversations about sustainability and climate-change focus on activities on land – the green part of our planet. This misses a vital part of the puzzle, the role that our oceans play.
Marine Science: Enabling the UK community to come together
The UK’s marine science community organisations include the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS), the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) and the Challenger Society for Marine Science.
The membership of the NOCA Steering Board decided to create an overview of these organisations to help clarify their remits and explain how they work together.
MEDIN Training Survey
Have you ever attended, or considered attending, a MEDIN training workshop (‘Marine data management, governance and the MEDIN toolset’), or other training in marine data management? If so, the MEDIN would love to hear from you! The MEDIN is gathering stakeholder requirements to improve the training workshop on marine data management, governance and the MEDIN toolset.
FMRI: Science Requirements Framework - webinar
The Future Marine Research Infrastructure programme (FMRI) aims to develop and deliver the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) strategic investment in the next generation of large-scale, marine research infrastructure. The programme is working towards a high-value UKRI Infrastructure Fund bid and is part of the UK Government’s Major Projects Portfolio.
Read MoreCalling all Ocean Innovators and Experts!
Mark your calendars for March 12th to 14th, 2024, because @ Oceanology International 2024 is
returning with all its inspiring, innovative, and fresh ideas. Blue Economy, Energy Transition,
Sustainability, Ocean Mining and Oil & Gas are some of the key fundamental areas that Oi24 will be
The 13th Annual General Meeting of the NOC Association
The 13th Annual General Meeting of the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) will take place during the mornings of Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June 2024. This free event will be conducted virtually on Zoom and is open to anyone with an interest in the marine environment.
Read MoreThe Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Open Meeting
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) invites the marine community, particularly those from a policy, commercial, academic and conservation background, to an open meeting to introduce the new MEDIN Business Plan 2024-2029 and to discuss how the wider community can contribute to the future developments in UK marine data management.
Wednesday 24th April 2024 – HYBRID (The Crown Estate, 1 St James's Market, St. James's, London SW1Y 4AH and online using Microsoft Teams)
New Chief Executive at the National Oceanography Centre
Dr John Siddorn will officially start the role of CEO of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) on 4 April 2024, bringing with him extensive experience in leadership in science, technology, and innovation. Dr Siddorn will be replacing Professor Ed Hill CBE, who announced his retirement from NOC in November 2023 after nineteen years of distinguished service leading the organisation. Full news story.
Read MoreHeat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean: the state of the art and future priorities
The following Royal Society Philosophical Trans A issue has been highly cited and downloaded - Heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean: the state of the art and future priorities organised and edited by Andrew J S Meijers, Corinne Le Quéré CBE FRS, Pedro M S Monteiro, Jean-Baptiste Sallée and the articles can be accessed directly at
Purchase the print issue at the reduced price of £40 by contacting
Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition
Please see a news item from the Royal Society below.
The Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition is now open for entries. Submit your photograph by 23 August 2024 in our categories of; Astronomy, Behaviour, Earth Science and Climatology, Ecology and Environmental Science, and Microimaging.
2024 Challenger Medallist and Fellows
We are delighted to announce the 2024 recipients of the Challenger Medal and the Challenger Fellowships. These biennial awards will be presented to awardees at the Challenger Conference in September.
Nominations open for the 2024 Challenger Society Marine Science Student Award!
Nominations are now open for the Challenger Society Marine Science Student Award - deadline 31st July!
Read MoreRoyal Society AMOC Special Issue
The following Royal Society Publishing Philosophical Transactions A is now one of our most widely read issues - Atlantic overturning: new observations and challenges organised and edited by M A Srokosz, N P Holliday and H L Bryden FRS and the articles are available at
A print version is also available at the special price of £40.00 per issue from
How the UK stores marine rock samples—and how you can help
Marine rock samples collected by dredge or remotely operated vehicles (ROV) are an exceptional resource of immense scientific value which help inform geoscience research and contribute to the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) research areas including Earth resources, mantle and core processes, physics & chemistry of Earth materials and volcanic processes.
Read MoreMarine Data Management, Governance and the MEDIN toolset
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) and OceanWise are delighted to invite you to attend our popular free online training workshop: ‘Marine Data Management, Governance and the MEDIN toolset’ on the 2nd - 6th of September 2024.
Read MoreApplications for AGU Vice Chair for 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting
The AGU is currently inviting applications for a Vice Chair to help lead the Organising Committee for the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting, to be hosted in Glasgow in 2026. Applications consist of a CV and expression of interest, to be received by 18 October 2024.
The biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is jointly convened by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and The Oceanography Society (TOS). The OSM is overseen by a Program Committee responsible for the scientific content of the meeting as well as ancillary events, plenary speakers, and award ceremonies. The Program Committee is composed of a Chair and Vice Chair selected by each of the three participating societies. This advertisement is for the AGU Vice Chair position.
FMRI Lead Scientist Opportunity
The FMRI programme is now recruiting for a new Lead Scientist. This is an exciting opportunity to play a pivotal role in helping to shape the UK’s future marine research capability.
The team are looking for someone who can connect with scientists and engineers to help define the best strategies for exploiting new technologies. Someone who is excited about new opportunities for marine research and can think across the big challenges. Someone who can peer over the horizon and imagine a different way of doing things.
FMRI is seeking to fund at least 50% of the Lead Scientist’s time to work as a key member of the programme leadership team.
I would be grateful if you could forward the attached flyer to your networks and encourage potential candidates to apply for this important role.
For an informal discussion, please contact the team via:
For more information or to apply, please visit:
Applications close: 28th November, 2024
Socio-oceanography Workshop sets sights on key climate and ocean challenges
The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is calling on scientists and researchers to participate in its fourth annual Socio-Oceanography Workshop, hosted in collaboration with the Marine Social Science Network.
This international event, set to take place at NOC’s Southampton site 26-28 February 2025, will gather experts across natural and social sciences to tackle the pressing issues linking people and the changing ocean.
This year’s workshop will focus on four key themes, including the impact of climate change-driven shifts in marine species distribution and how these changes will affect the way the UK marine environment is perceived, valued, and managed.
Other topics include integrating digital humans into environmental digital twins, addressing biases in research related to marine carbon dioxide removal, and exploring how local communities can engage in participatory environmental monitoring.
Job vacancy
The Ocean Census is actively seeking a Workshop Coordinator to join our dynamic team to manage the workshop and related processes with an international alliance of partners. The deadline for applications is 15th December 2024. Link to further details:
Read MoreChallenger Society History of Oceanography SIG Webinars
The Challenger Society Special Interest Group on the History of Oceanography will be having a series of zoom webinars in 2025. The talks will be at 5pm UK time on Wednesday evenings (3rd Wed of the month):
Read MoreNOC Association AGM 2025
NOC Association (NOCA) AGM 2025
The 14th AGM of the NOC Association will be held on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th May 2025. This free, on-line event will take place on Zoom, across two consecutive mornings, each starting at 10:00 and ending at 12:30. Although discussion topics are being finalised, we will focus on national capability (NC) science, ships, and autonomous vehicles, and how the community can engage. There will be an update on AtlantiS and on the new marine science scoping group. All are warmly welcome to join. To participate, please complete your registration here. For enquiries: Jackie Pearson, Secretary to NOCA:
The Marine Facilities Advisory Board advises the National Oceanography Centre on marine facilities and services, including the Natural Environment Research Council’s National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP), the British Oceanographic Data Centre and the British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility.
Read MorePotential Availability of NERC Ship Time During the 25/26 Programme Year
The NERC Marine Facilities Programme for 2025/2026 for the RRS Discovery and the RRS James Cook has been published on the Marine Facilities Planning website.
The RRS Discovery programme currently contains a 79 day alongside slot between the 2nd of November 2025 and the 19th of January 2026, which is available for science delivery if funded science projects can make use of this time. Due to the location of the vessel, the ship is most likely to be able to deliver fieldwork in the North and East Atlantic regions. Some support for science capability within the National Marine Equipment Pool is potentially available, although there is no capacity for use of autonomous vehicles or remotely operated vehicles. Any fieldwork within Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) will need the appropriate diplomatic clearance submitted to coastal states at least 6 months in advance, and to NMF with sufficient lead time for processing via the FCDO.
If interested in making use of this ship time, please contact NERC Marine Planning ( ASAP to start discussions.
National Marine Equipment Pool: Autumn 2023 call (Round 4) for applications
Members of the UK marine science community are invited to submit applications for items of equipment to be considered for addition to the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP). Full details of the application process are available on the Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) website and questions to Jackie Pearson, MFAB Secretary, are welcome. The closing date for applications is Friday 15 December 2023.
Read MoreChallenger Conversations – Ocean exploration past, present and future
The free conversational webinar series starts with the legacy of the HMS Challenger expedition on its 150th anniversary and develops a diverse global community of citizen scientists who understand the influence of the ocean on our lives and our influence on the ocean.
Read MoreMeasurement Systems for 21st Century Oceanography
There is an imperative to measure the ocean in greater detail if we are to chart a sustainable future on this planet. The Net-Zero Oceanographic Capability Scoping Study (2021), commissioned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), therefore undertook a detailed review of the sensor systems and networks that will be needed to meet anticipated marine science priorities. The Future Marine Research Infrastructure (FMRI) Programme is continuing this engagement to shape NERC’s strategic investment in measurement technologies that enable new and different science.
Read MoreExciting opportunity – MEDIN Chair
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) is seeking an outstanding new Chair, who can bring strategic leadership, enthusiasm and independent thinking to our Sponsors’ Board and Executive Team at a significant time in our development. Further information about the role can be found here.
UK Sustained Scientific Ocean Observation Priorities Consultation
UK Sustained Scientific Ocean Observation Priorities Consultation
In 2022 the National Oceanography Centre led a consultation, on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council, on prioritising the ocean observations that are important to the UK and internationally. The report has now been published.
United Nations World Ocean Assessment III
The United Nations World Ocean Assessment III need to identify a pool of experts in these topics who are willing to draft the necessary chapters, and also for peer-reviewers to review the content. As you can see from the list of expertise, there are many opportunities to contribute, particularly in topics such as ocean and human health, pollution and ecotoxicology, or marine genomics, but also around ocean governance or science communication.
Read MoreRoyal Society - photo competition
Submit your Earth science and climatology image by 18 August for a chance to win £1000 (or equivalent currency)!
We're asking scientists from across the world to send in their images according to 2 key criteria: they should be aesthetically pleasing and convey an interesting scientific phenomenon in one of the following categories:
• Earth science & climatology
• Ecology & environmental science
• Micro-imaging
• Astronomy
• Behaviour
Oceanology International 2024 - Call for Papers
We’re delighted to let you know that the Call-for-Papers for Oceanology International is open for Challenger Society members to submit your abstracts. Use this link to discover more. The Call-for-Papers closes on 12th Sept and all applicants will be notified on 10th October whether their talk has been accepted.
Read MoreOcean Modelling and AMBIO Special Interest Group 2023 Meetings
The Ocean Modelling Special Interest Group (SIG) and the Advances in Marine Biogeochemistry (AMBIO) SIG are hosting meetings in September.
Read MoreArctic Science Summit Week - Edinburgh UK March 2024
The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is being held in Edinburgh during the 21st-29th March 2024 and the Science Day is being held on the 26th of March 2024. For more information please see the ASSW website here:
Heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean: the state of the art and future priorities
Royal Society Publishing has recently published special issue of Philosophical Transactions A entitled Heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean: the state of the art and future priorities.
Read MoreChallenger Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Pod
As part of the Challenger Society for Marine Science’s objective to become an anti-racist learned society, the Challenger Society Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Working Group are setting up an Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) discussion pod led by Siddhi Joshi. See the main article for further information.
Read MoreInternational Advanced PhD course on Ecologically relevant oceanographic processes in the Northeastern Atlantic
Ecologically relevant oceanographic processes in the Northeastern Atlantic
21 August – 1 September 2023 – Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands
German Maritime Museum: expedition stories
The German Maritime Museum are looking for submissions about the emotional aspects of going to sea from the last 15 years. Submissions are welcome and will be considered for a permanent exhibition on research vessels at the German Maritime Museum.
MEDIN Open Meeting - Enhancing the national framework for sharing UK marine data
We are excited to invite you to the next MEDIN Open Meeting entitled “Enhancing the national framework for sharing UK marine data.” on April 26th 2023.
Read MoreChallenger Expedition Portal
Check out the Challenger Expedition Portal created by SAMS:
Upscaling of Marine Autonomy: Marine research community consultation
Upscaling of Marine Autonomy: Marine research community consultation
A recommendation of the landmark Net Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) report was that "NERC should expect to double the size of the autonomous fleet it supports every five years." In response, the NOCA and the Challenger Society for Marine Science have formed the joint Upscaling Autonomy Working Group (UAWG). The UAWG is running a series of information webinars, followed by a consultation, on the future shape of upscaling of marine autonomy in the UK. For further details and to register, please see the event flyer which may also be found on the NOCA web page which now also features the presentations from the first webinar and survey questions.
NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) Annual General Meeting – Registration now open!
NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) Annual General Meeting – Registration now open!
Registration for the 12th Annual Meeting of the NOC Association is now open. The meeting will be conducted on Zoom during the mornings of Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th June 2023.
The agenda will include items on the UK Sustained Scientific Ocean Observation Priorities Consultation, updates on an Upscaling Autonomy Working Group, the Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science programme, artificial intelligence and digital twins, and accessibility to ship-based research. Further details will be posted on the NOCA web page shortly.
Please register using the following link: NOC Association 2023 Registration |
Updates for institution entries in the UK Marine Science and Technology Compendium can be advised to NOCA Secretary Jackie Pearson
New members sought for the Marine Facilities Advisory Board
Marine Facilities Advisory Board: call for new members
The Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) is seeking to recruit five new members from the UK marine scientific user community who are keen to provide vital insight into the potential future needs of the National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP). Details about this interesting opportunity are available on the MFAB website or here. For questions about this opportunity or more generally about MFAB, please contact: Jackie Pearson, Secretary to MFAB, National Oceanography Centre:
Challenger Medal Awarded 2020 and 2022
The Challenger Society is delighted to announce the delayed award of the 2020 Challenger Medal to Prof. Alberto Naveira Garabato, and of the 2022 Challenger Medal to Prof. Carol Robinson. We are absolutely delighted to honour these two fantastic scientists in this way, and look forward to hearing their Award Lectures at the forthcoming Challenger 150 meeting at the Natural History Museum. For more information about the Challenger Conference 2022 please click here.
Read MoreInternational Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit #DITTO22
You are warmly invited to join on-line the International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit #DITTO22, which takes place on Wednesday and Thursday the 4th and 5th of May.
Read MoreVacancy MASTS Marine Social Science Lead
MASTS has a vacancy for a 0.5FT Marine Social Science lead.
Read MoreIs fieldwork a requirement for a career in marine science?
Please save the date for an introductory and perception gathering event run by a subset of the Challenger Society EDIA working group. The virtual event will focus on ‘Evaluating perceptions of job roles in marine research and raising awareness of digital twinning of the oceans to promote diversity and inclusivity in the marine sciences.’ The event will take place on the 27th of January 2022 13:30-15:30 on zoom.
The Decade Working Group (DWG): Update
In the UK marine community the United Nations Decade of Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), hereafter ‘the Decade’, is gaining growing publicity. What is less well established is how UK marine researchers can participate in the Decade and how funding for research will emerge.
Read MoreNew NERC Ocean Observations Consultation
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has asked the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) to lead a piece of work on prioritising the sustained ocean observations that are most important to the UK and the international effort.
Read MoreAppointment of Expert Members of the Decade Advisory Board
Please see this link for the circular letter Cl 2871 from the IOC announcing the establishment of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) Advisory Board, and it is with great pleasure to share that the UK has representation by way of Prof Gideon Henderson. Gideon’s nomination, supported by Defra and the FCDO demonstrates the UK’s commitment to supporting the Ocean Decade at a critical time as the Advisory Boards helps set the direction of the Decade.
Decade Advisory Board - CL-2871_e
The Challenger Society for Marine Science Membership Survey Report
Summary of the 2021 Challenger Society membership survey.
Read MoreReport on Impacts of Covid-19
Summary Report on the Impacts of Covid-19 available from the NOCA AGM
Read MoreNews items from the NOC Association and the Marine Facilities Advisory Board
The details of the membership of the Decade Working Group (DWG), that was announced at the May 2021 AGM of the NOC Association, are now available:
NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries | National Oceanography Centre
The March 2021 minutes of the Marine Facilities Advisory Board are available here: Marine_Facilities_Advisory Board_March_2021_minutes.pdf (
Are your institution’s details up to date on the The UK Marine Science and Technology Compendium? If not, please let the Secretary know.
Secretary to the NOCA and MFAB: Jackie Pearson, National Oceanography Centre
Cancellation of 2020/21 Challenger Conference
Sadly, the postponed 2020 Challenger Conference to be hosted at SAMs from 6th September 2021 has also been cancelled.
Read MoreNew Seagoing Bursary for Students and Early Career Scientists
NOC has received funding from West P&I to deliver a seagoing bursary to enable students and early career scientists, including from developing countries, to experience sea-going science.
Read MoreNet Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) Workshop: Future Research Platforms as Data Hubs in a Connected World
Net Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) Workshop: Future Research Platforms as Data Hubs in a Connected World
Thursday 22nd April 2021
BBC article - History of the Challenger Expedition
BBC Futures, Stephen Dowling, 5th Feb 2021
A really great narrative, charting the story of the Challenger expedition
The NOCA 2021 Annual General Meeting
The 2021 AGM of the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) will be conducted by Zoom on 11th and 12th May 2021
Read MoreChallenger Society 2020 Conference
Conference Postponed until Sept 2021 due to Covid-19 outbreak.
Challenger Society 2020 Conferenceat SAMS , Oban

6th-10th September, 2021
Registration, and Abstract submission is available on the conference website at
Read More
Ocean Challenge search function
There is a new online search function for all Ocean Challenge issues that allows anyone to easily search for articles on a specific topic. We hope this will be used not just by the marine science community but by educators who would otherwise not have access to such resources.