7th International Conference on Marine Connectivity (I-MarCo 2024)
Danielle Sloan
University of Aberdeen

In May 2024, I attended the 7th International Conference on Marine Connectivity (I-MarCo 2024) in Montpellier, France, thanks to the support of the Challenger Society for Marine Science’s Travel Award.
I-MarCo 2024 marked the culmination of four years of interdisciplinary workshops, training events, and conferences undertaken by the European COST Action Unifying approaches to Marine Conservation for Improved Resource Management for the Seas (SEA-UNICORN) consortium. The conference programme was jam-packed with three days of talks, speed talks, poster presentations, a drinks reception and a conference dinner. I-MarCo 2024 brought together researchers and stakeholders from around the world to share their knowledge, experience and best practices in the study of marine connectivity.
The conference began with a warm welcome from the chair of SEA-UNICORN, Audrey Darnaude, followed by a fascinating keynote speech from Professor Oscar Gaggiotti on how we can combine research techniques to study connectivity. The day was filled with an exciting array of talks and speed talks focused on multi-disciplinary approaches to connectivity research, showcasing the diverse expertise within the SEA-UNICORN community. Researchers from various fields and career stages shared their insights and innovative approaches to studying complex marine communities, highlighting the strength and necessity of interdisciplinary research and collaboration.
After a packed day of talks, we were treated to a private tour of Planet Ocean World, Montpellier’s aquarium. This provided the ideal setting for in-depth discussions and networking as we enthusiastically explored the exhibits. The tour led us to the final event of day one, the poster and cocktail session. This event was a fantastic opportunity to engage with earlier speakers and poster presenters, allowing for more personal and detailed conversations. Many of the attendees, myself included, have previously attended SEA-UNICORN events and the warm, welcoming atmosphere during this session was a testament to community that has flourished under the SEA-UNICORN initiative.
The conference continued on day two with a variety of interesting talks, speed talks and discussions expanding on marine functional connectivity research and how it can be used to understand the global functioning and health of the ocean. Day two was my personal highlight of the conference, as I presented my research on the reproductive biology of flame shells (Limaria hians) and its application to my thesis researching the connectivity of flame shell beds. Despite a minor hiccup with my presentation not loading correctly due to a software issue, the presentation went great. Although it can be overwhelming in the moment, technical issues like this are a part of the experience and they don’t define your presentation or reflect on you as a presenter. What matters most is how you handle the issue and move past them to give an engaging presentation to the audience.
Shortly after my presentation we broke out for the coffee break. Working with such a charismatic species is a fantastic icebreaker and I find it often makes it easier for people to remember me and approach me to discuss my research. I had several valuable discussions with other attendees, discussing the intricacies and challenges of my research, receiving insightful feedback and exchanging ideas. After a long and rewarding day of scientific discussions, I explored the city of Montpellier with a group of other early career researchers, taking in the vibrant street art scattered throughout the city.

Before we knew it, the third and final day of the conference was upon us. The talks on this day were particularly compelling, focusing on the application of marine functional connectivity research to improve environmental policies and sustainable development. The conference concluded with a heartfelt closing speech by Audrey Darnaude, who highlighted that this event marked the end of the SEA-UNICORN consortium. It was an emotional moment as the organisers of SEA-UNICORN were commended for their significant contributions to the initiative and the community, and there was an outpouring of gratitude form the organisers and attendees for Audrey’s exceptional leadership in steering the initiative.
Attending I-MarCo 2024 was an invaluable experience, offering a fantastic opportunity to network with multidisciplinary researchers studying connectivity. Across the three days I deepened my knowledge through engaging discussions and presentations, broadening my understanding of the field. Being so close to the end of my PhD it was nice to take a break from thesis writing to remind myself how my research fits within the wider scientific community. I am very grateful to the Challenger Society for their support through the Travel Award that enabled my attendance.
I am a final year SUPER DTP PhD student at the University of Aberdeen working in collaboration with the Scottish Government Marine Directorate. My research aims to identify how the flame shell beds in Scottish waters are connected both genetically and oceanographically with the goal of better informing marine management.
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